Writing a Business (Financial) Case (3F03)
L3: Senior Management
L3: Finance and Admin
Writing a Business (Financial) Case (3F03)
COURSE OVERVIEW A Business (Financial) Case captures the reasoning for initiating a project or task. Today, with investment capital for projects and innovations hard to come by, a business case has become a requirement for the release of funding...
Managing Change in the Organization (3L02)
L3: Senior Management
L3: Principles of Management
Managing Change in the Organization (3L02)
COURSE OVERVIEW Experiencing change in the workplace is inevitable. Maybe it's been a new boss with new ideas, a new job or a new project you have taken on. Or perhaps you are facing new challenges because of changes in the economic...
Develop a Culture to Support Innovation (3L08)
L3: Senior Management
L3: Leadership and Strategy
Develop a Culture to Support Innovation (3L08)
COURSE OVERVIEW Innovation is not only for the tech industry — it is central to the success of any business and it must be an integral part of a business strategy. Innovation has been accelerating since the invention of the steam engine, and...
Leading Entrepreneurship in the Organization (4L07)
L4: Senior-Executive Management
L4: Leadership and Strategy
Leading Entrepreneurship in the Organization (4L07)
COURSE OVERVIEW: Entrepreneurship underpins the development of new businesses worldwide, and learning the skills and practices of entrepreneurship can be invaluable to individual business owners, and to managers within core business units...
Leading Innovation in the Organization (4M06)
L4: Senior-Executive Management
L4: Principles of Management
Leading Innovation in the Organization (4M06)
COURSE OVERVIEW Possibly the biggest challenge facing businesses today is the need to innovate, to embrace continuous change. The choice many businesses now face is change, or decline and go out of business. The accelerating pace of...

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