Managing Governance in the Organization (3F04)
L3: Senior Management
L3: Finance and Admin
Managing Governance in the Organization (3F04)
COURSE OVERVIEW According to ISO FDIS 26000, it is the most crucial factor in enabling an organization to take responsibility for the impacts of its decisions and activities and to integrate social responsibility throughout the organization and...
Ethics, Value and Culture (3L04)
L3: Senior Management
L3: Leadership and Strategy
Ethics, Value and Culture (3L04)
COURSE OVERVIEW The culture of an organization is defined by its shared values, attitudes, beliefs, standards, and rules. In this day and age, it is more important than ever have a corporate culture that can respond quickly and effectively to a...
Understanding the Organization Environment (3S01)
L3: Senior Management
L3: Marketing and Sales
Understanding the Organization Environment (3S01)
COURSE OVERVIEW Designed for managers tasked with developing business and marketing strategy, this course provides a comprehensive insight into business environment analysis. Specifically, you will learn how to apply a detailed business...
Managing Corporate Social Responsibility (4F02)
L4: Senior-Executive Management
L4: Finance and Admin.
Managing Corporate Social Responsibility (4F02)
COURSE OVERVIEW Corporate Social Responsibility is increasingly recognized as a central pillar in the evaluation of an enterprises valuation. Enterprise’s seeking to trade on the Global stage recognize that reporting on their contribution to...
Ethical Leadership and Management (4M07)
L4: Senior-Executive Management
L4: Principles of Management
Ethical Leadership and Management (4M07)
COURSE OVERVIEW: Leadership in business is increasingly challenging, with increased media scrutiny and with increasing expectations from diverse stakeholder groups, forcing leaders to demonstrate their integrity while delivering enhanced value...

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