L2: Middle Management → L2: Leadership and Strategy

Develop Emotional Intelligence (2L06)


Having high levels of emotional intelligence (EI) can give you a real advantage in today’s competitive working environment. Emotional intelligence is all about your ability to recognize and understand your emotions and your skill at managing and dealing with other people’s emotional states. Put simply, it is the ability to problem solve with or without emotion. An individual with high emotional intelligence can manage his or her own impulses, communicate with others effectively, manage change well, solve problems, and use humor to build rapport in tense situations. Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at work, and achieve your career and personal goals.

This course will give you the tools you need to be emotionally intelligent in your workplace, and will help you to elevate your levels of EI so that you can achieve better results at work.


- Suitable For: Middle and Senior Managers
- Course Duration: 20 Hours
- Certification: Download your Certificate on completion
- Additional Resources: Download comprehensive Learners manual, additional articles and worksheets..


  • Emotional Intelligence 1 - Getting Started
  • Video - A Lack of Emotional Intelligence
  • Video - Feedback
  • Section 1: Understanding EI Theory
  • Emotional Intelligence 2 - Understanding Emotional Intelligence
  • Video - What is Emotional Intelligence?
  • Emotional Intelligence 3 - Models of Emotional Intelligence
  • Video - Daniel Goleman on Emotional Intelligence
  • Video - The 4 Dimensions of EI
  • Emotional Intelligence 4 - The Trait Theory
  • Develop Emotional Intelligence - Quiz 1
  • Section 2: Developing your Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotional Intelligence 5 - Developing Self-Awareness
  • Video - Improving Self-Awareness
  • Emotional Intelligence 6 - Self-Management
  • Video - Improving Self-Management
  • Emotional Intelligence 7 - Social Awareness
  • Video - Improving Social Awareness
  • Emotional Intelligence 8 - Relationship Management
  • Video - Improving Relationship Management
  • Emotional Intelligence 9 - Dealing with Anger
  • Video - Anger Management (Funny)
  • Section 3: Helping your Team
  • Emotional Intelligence 10 - Emotional Intelligence and your Team
  • Video - Engage your Team
  • Emotional Intelligence 11 - Wrapping-up
  • Develop Emotional Intelligence - Quiz 2
  • Develop Emotional Intelligence - Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • You must complete 90.00% of the content
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever